
Creating a Solution

A guide to customizing the initial game state.

Creating a new solution is the first step toward solving a specific spot that interests you. To create a solution, open the “Create New Solution” dialog. This can be achieved by clicking the “New” button in the title bar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N.

Available options

Create new solution dialog

Postflop-specific options include:

Postflop-specific options

  • Player positions can be adjusted by clicking the arrow buttons.
  • Initial pot.
  • Big blind size. If stack sizes and the pot size were not entered in terms of big blinds, adjust the big blind size accordingly.

When you are ready, click the “Create” button to create a new solution. After creating a solution, you can navigate the game tree by clicking the action buttons located below the poker table or by clicking the nodes in the tree representation on the left.

You might notice that the game tree initially lacks any bets or raises. In the next chapter, we will explore how to populate the game tree with bet sizes.

Introduction Tree Building
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